Urshita Pal

Research interests

I am interested in studying (co)homology of arithemetic groups like SL_nZ, and (co)homological stability patterns in families of groups and topological spaces. Surprisingly, a lot of these questions often boil down to proving high-connectivity of suitably defined simplicial complexes, which can then be done using combinatorial descriptions of these complexes. Overall I tend to enjoy any math that involves topology, algebra and combinatorics (and pretty pictures!)


  • Representation Stability in the (Co)homology of Vertical Configuration Spaces
      with D Baron, C Wang, J Wilson, and C Yang.
      ArXiv preprint ArXiv:2412.01128

    Invited Talks

    1. Steinberg Modules and the Cohomology of SL_nZ; AIM Workshop; July 2024; Caltech, Pasedena (notes)

    Learning Seminar Talks

    1. Configurations, Graphs and Trees, Student Combinatorics, Winter 2024 (notes, abstract)
    2. The Nerve Lemma and Spectral Sequences, Student Topology, Winter 2024 (notes, abstract)
    3. Rational Duality Groups and the Cohomology of SL_nZ, Fall 2023 (notes, abstract)
    4. Configurations, Graphs, and Trees, Student Topology, Fall 2023 (notes, abstract)
    5. Introduction to Group (Co)homology, Student Commutative Algebra, Fall 2023 (notes, abstract)
    6. High Dimensional Cohomology of SLnZ - Part 2, Student Topology, Winter 2023 (notes, abstract)
    7. High Dimensional Cohomology of SLnZ - Part 1, Student Topology, Winter 2023 (notes, abstract)
    8. Grassmannian Cohomology and Symmetric Polynomials, Student Combinatorics, Winter 2023 (notes, abstract)
    9. A Gentle Introduction to Representation Stability, Student Topology, Fall 2022 (notes, abstract)
    10. Combinatorial Nullstellensatz and its applications, Student Combinatorics, Winter 2022 (notes, abstract)
    11. Braid groups, Student Topology, Fall 2021 ( abstract)


    1. Course Notes for Math 636, on Out(F_n), taught by Alex Wright, Fall 2023. These notes were jointly written by the students and the instructor.
    2. Exercises on Combinatorial Topology; I wrote these to supplement the content in A. Bjorner's Chapter on Topological Methods in Combinatorics, specifically Pg 1853-1856. (more)
    3. Cohomology of the Complex Grassmannian, my term paper from David Speyer's class on Representation Theory of GLnC, Fall 2022.
    4. On (Co)homology with Twisted Coefficients. (more)
    5. On Bundles of Groups. (more)
    6. On K(G,1)-spaces and their uniqueness. I wrote these as I was studying this topic.
    7. Branched Covers of the Sphere and Plane, from Malavika Mukundan's summer Minicourse, 2022.