Surprisingly, the cohomology ring of a complex grassmannian is isomorphic to a quotient of the ring of symmetric polynomials. While a great result in its own right, understanding this cohomology ring can also help solve problems in enumerative geometry.
In this talk I will outline a proof of this result, and time permitting, we will also see an application of this in enumerative geometry.
A Gentle Introduction to Representation Stability, Student Topology, Fall 2022
Representation Stability is a phenomenon observed in many families of spaces - such as the pure braid groups, flag varieties, etc. - where the (co)homologies of a growing family of spaces stabilize as representations of a group.
In this talk I will explain this phenomenon by focussing on (pure) braid groups as an example, with an emphasis on lots of pictures and minimal prerequisites.
Combinatorial Nullstellensatz and its applications, Student Combinatorics, Winter 2022 (notes,
The Combinatorial Nullstellensatz is a statement about zeroes of a multi-variable polynomial over a field. It has seen a remarkable number of applications to number theory, enumerative combinatorics, and graph theory. Roughly speaking, it gives quantitative information on how a polynomial of a certain degree cannot vanish over a large enough set of values.
In this talk I will briefly explain the statement of this theorem, and then illustrate through examples a general technique for using it to prove a variety of powerful results.
Braid groups, Student Topology, Fall 2021 (
Braid groups are an interesting class of finitely generated groups that come up naturally in a wide range of areas in Mathematics - topology, dynamics, representation theory, cryptography, to name a few.
Part of their importance is based on the many ways in which they can be defined. We will look at a few different interpretations of braid groups, and discuss some interesting structures on them as well as their applications.
Course Notes for Math 636, on Out(F_n), taught by Alex Wright, Fall 2023. These notes were jointly written by the students and the instructor.
Exercises on Combinatorial Topology; I wrote these to supplement the content in A. Bjorner's Chapter on Topological Methods in Combinatorics, specifically Pg 1853-1856.
This note covers topics like collapsibility, shellability, Cohen-Macaulayness, etc. Some exercises supplement the material, whilst others give sketches of facts that are stated without proof in the notes.
Cohomology of the Complex Grassmannian, my term paper from David Speyer's class on Representation Theory of GLnC, Fall 2022.
On (Co)homology with Twisted Coefficients.
I wrote these while studying A. Hatcher's "Algebraic Topolology", Ch3.H, on Local Coefficients. The notes follow Hatcher's treatment in defining (co)homology with twisted coefficients, and give an outline of an analogue of Poincare duality for non-orientable manifolds, which comes at a cost of a "twisting of coefficients".
On Bundles of Groups.
I wrote these while studying A. Hatcher's "Algebraic Topolology", Ch3.H, on Local Coefficients, and these are intended to fill in some details missing from the book. They define a bundle of groups (different from a principal bundle!), give examples and non-examples, and describe pullback bundles. These notes also have a solution sketch to Exercise 3H.3 in the textbook, showing that bundles of groups over a space X with fiber group G are in correspondence with maps from X into B(Aut G) upto homotopy.